The protection of solar panels makes it possible to combine a security system and ecology!
An individual solar protection system that respects the environment by PSF Sécurité.
Accueil Applications Solar panel
The Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region (Nice, Antibes, Cannes …) naturally benefits from regular and strong sunshine. This is why PSF Sécurité, much better than any other structure, believes that security can also rhyme with ecology.
With our expert technicians from PSF security in Nice, it is possible!
Our GSM camera protection kits and solar alarms with PIR sensor, allow you to reconcile both the security of your environment and generate enough energy captured by the sun to operate your surveillance system, including via the controller. solar charge which controls the variation of current and the battery.
In addition, solar panels are not immune to an overheating accident, so PSF Sécurité offers you fire detection equipment that can be easily adapted to all your installations.
A real long-term ecological investment, this solar energy converted into electric current ensures the proper functioning of the equipment, thus supplying the operation of alarms or video surveillance cameras continuously. In addition, the solar security system can be installed anywhere, including in inaccessible areas, where there is no electrical connection!
PSF security means setting up robust, effective and ecological protection for you!