Smart security alarms effectively deter thieves and denounce any suspicious activity!
In prolonged absence, our special protection alarms in Alpes-Maritimes for individuals monitor and give the alert in the event of an intrusion
Why install an anti-intrusion alarm?
According to the latest INSEE report, more than 240,000 home burglaries are reported in France each year and, on average, a home burglary in France occurs every 90 seconds.
The Alpes-Maritimes department is also one of the most affected. Indeed, the houses often have openings with a garden, bay window, balcony, so many points that facilitate access to housing. With an average of 3 minutes for a burglary, no monitoring agency can guarantee you such a rapid intervention. So it’s best to influence your surroundings yourself!
Owners and tenants should consider these probabilities when it comes to protecting their families, roommates, and possessions. According to statistics, the increase in burglaries shows that too few French people are taking the plunge. Thus, only 8% of French people have installed an alarm system.
With crime rates on the rise, especially in Nice, now is the time to decide to invest in a security system.
Protection Sécurité Française (PSF Sécurité) offers an external and internal security alarm service.
Our anti-theft and burglary alarm systems are radically different from the conventional alarm systems you may already know.
Indeed, PSF security offers you the possibility of choosing from a wide choice of materials: contactors for openings or broken glass and even motion detectors with video verification technology! When an alert is received in your home from your alarm center, you can check on your mobile phone or computer what is going on, remove any doubts or alert the authorities if necessary.
What are the advantages ?
- Protection: stop the break-in attempts by an intruder
- Certification: the alarms meet APSAD NF A2P standards (French standard)
- Scalability: the alarms are flexible and scalable thanks to the addition of a video surveillance camera
We install the latest generation alarms, both cost-effective and efficient, so you can benefit from enhanced protection for your property and loved ones!

Services for individuals
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